
Talent Sourcing

Your access to a larger selection of candidates

  • At least 70% cheaper than headhunters
  • Free market analysis within 72 hours
  • No hiring fees
  • Terminable at any time

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What is Talent Sourcing?

A targeted search and approach aimed at the right target group is crucial for sourcing success. Based on your candidate persona(s), we define target group-specific sourcing strategies to find the right talent for you.

Our Methods in Talent Sourcing


Active Sourcing

Active sourcing involves searching for, identifying and proactively approaching suitable candidates. Targeted active sourcing is essential for successful recruiting in many positions.


Social Media Recruiting

In social media recruiting, job advertisements are posted on social media in order to reach target groups outside the usual business networks. Good visuals, crisp texts and strong employer branding are crucial here.


Programmatic Job Advertisement

Programmatic Job Advertisement (PJA) allows job ads to be displayed on over 50 platforms simultaneously and distributed based on algorithms.


SEO-optimized job ads

SEO-optimized job ads are crucial for almost every target group. Whether in the Google for Jobs ranking or for findability on job boards: nothing works without SEO know-how.


Referral Programms

A referral program rewards employees for suggesting qualified candidates from their network for open positions. This channel complements other search methods in a decisive way and is particularly promising in combination with a strong employer brand.


Talent Pool

A well-structured talent pool offers a cost-effective alternative to other search channels and complements them perfectly. Used in a targeted manner, this is the shortest route to quick and high-quality appointments.

Our Expertise

We are experts in the most sought-after job families in today’s job market. Whether blue or care collar, corporate functions, engineering or IT specialists:

We will find the right sourcing strategy for your personnel requirements.

Corporate Functions

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By corporate recruiting, we mean positions in the areas of sales, marketing, finance, administration or HR. Target groups for these job families are typically found on well-known business networks such as LinkedIn and XING. Classic active sourcing is therefore recommended here, in combination with SEO-optimized job advertisements that are distributed via multiposting on common job portals.

Skilled Recruiting (Blue Collar, Care Collar, Support Work)

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Skilled recruiting is different from sales or marketing positions, because neither nurses nor craftspeople or production workers are active on LinkedIn or XING. We therefore use the entire semi-passive sourcing spectrum, work with AI-supported technologies such as Programmatic Job Advertisenent and rely on social media recruiting. Depending on which positions need to be filled, different combinations of sourcing measures are recommended.

IT & Tech

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When searching for IT & tech personnel such as product owners or data analysts, it is worthwhile to create a combination of passive and active measures. Candidates can be actively sought on business networks but also on dedicated platforms for specialist, while SEO-optimized job advertisements are displayed on suitable job portals. The decisive factor for successful IT recruiting is not only the specialist knowledge of those searching, but also the right choice of search channels.


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To find suitable candidates for engineering positions (e.g. construction engineers or electrical engineers), we typically recommend a combination of active sourcing measures, programmatic job advertising and social media recruiting. This target group can be addressed both on business networks and via social media. Search engine-optimized job advertisements also make a decisive contribution to getting in touch with suitable candidates.

What does our talent sourcing cost?

Personnel requirements are individual.

For this reason, we offer different price models depending on your specific requirements. We put together an individual service package for you based on the target group and the required methods. We charge either by hour or by number of positions – depending on which sourcing services are most cost-effective for you.

You are welcome to schedule a free consultation to find out more and receive a customized offer.

Do you have questions about our services?

Write us a short message or give us a call.

Emely Bidlingmaier
Head of Sales
Phone: +49 (30) 25 92 38 555


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